Tuesday 18th February 2025,
Chatham-Kent Cougars Football

Missed Sign-Up???

Click Here to print and fill out the form

E-Transfer Registration to: ckcougarsfootball@gmail.com
Please put players name, players date of birth, phone number,
email address, and home address in the e-transfer description.


Mail in your registration form and cheque to:

Chatham-Kent Cougars Football Club
53 Viscount Rd
Chatham, ON
N7L 5J4
Cheques can be made out to Chatham-Kent Cougars Football Club.

Cougars Superbowl IN-PERSON Sign-up Week Times: Tuesday Feb 4th at USB – Ultimate Sports Bar (304 St Clair St) 6:00-7:30pm Wednesday Feb 5th at WALLACEBURG Chucks Roadhouse (65 McNaughton Ave, Wallaceburg) 6:00-7:30pm Thursday Feb 6th [...]